Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tyler's Home!!

 September 28, 2010  Tyler's flight arrived at EIA via Houston.  Thank you everyone who came to greet Tyler!!!  We love you!

 United again! 

 Hugs for/from friends!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tyler comes home soon!!!

So excited!  Earlier this week we got "the" letter announcing Ty's release date and commending him for outstanding service!  So proud of him and can't wait to hug that young man!  September 28th his flight comes in to the EIA!  Woot!!  (As he would say LOL). 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Random Moments and Glimpses of Summer

J, A and M with me behind the camera, taking in the fireworks at Capital Ex in July.

Our pond as seen from behind and above the waterfall.

A's YW Personal Progress project.  She grew basil and sage from seed this summer.

Construction Season (otherwise known as spring, summer and fall) affects traffic on the QEII.

My Pink Diamond Hydrangea. (above and below.  It begins white and matures to pink)

Everyone is excited to see the cars lined up on Main Street Cold Lake!  These are the participants in Race the Base.

A cool bag!

A lot of time was spent just like this!!

Ok, one shot of me just to prove I participated in this summer of fun.  (oooh, it's not a great one!)

Jurassic Forest

This long weekend we spent with family and friends and paid a visit to Jurassic Forest too!  Jurassic Forest is just north of Gibbons, Alberta and is a must-see.  A, Jeff and I spent an afternoon there and I went through several AA batteries with all my photo taking!  It was a blast, for me anyway!  Here are a few from our visit.  You really should check out this place.  It is 40 acres of forest occupied by prehistoria!  Privately owned and operated, Jurassic Forest has a children's play area, a store, concession, two trails with excellent signage and an indoor display area.

For more of our photos of Jurassic Forest check my other blog:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cold Lake

The town of Cold Lake has the neatest murals and signage!



Maybe you had to be there, but this was hilarious!  Jeff was wrestling with the tent against the wind, trying to move it into the sun to finish drying out after the rain.



Thursday night we fell asleep to the sounds of waves crashing the shore and wind rustling in the trees.  Saturday and Sunday we awoke to the cawing of crows, squawk of seagulls and the busy chatter of squirrels.  Saturday night, down on the beach we heard a chorus of coyotes and sat mesmerized at our campsite as a bushy-tailed fox trotted down the road nearby and stopped to look us over.  Sunday afternoon a red headed woodpecker drilled a tree nearby, a busy squirrel tossed acorns down from its perch in a nearby pine and "Frank" the seagull hung around looking for morsels. 

We had a great time.  It's good to be home in the warmth of our house but I miss the lake.  I think it shall become a yearly tradition to go camping in Cold Lake.