Friday, November 12, 2010

My Baby is 18!!!

"A" was led into the kitchen with her eyes closed....and there she saw this cake....


She read her birthday card, admired the fine rendition of a red car with the "Grease" logo on top and with every name of the main characters written on the side.

She discovered tickets for the musical "Grease" in the pretty pink box/purse.  She was so surprised and felt so spoiled.  It was all a bit over the top for her.
 Thanks to everyone in the family who made this all come together to give this lovely young lady a most memorable and cherished "18th" birthday!  Phone calls from two of her brothers who are out of town, another brother came by and Jeff came back from Cold Lake just to spend the evening with her and then left again the next morning.
 Happy Birthday "A".  I hope it was as special as you are, though I know it can't even come close!  You are the best!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Puppy Love

Lilo and Stitch, our family pets, are such good buddies. 
They are treasured pets, for sure.


This is my daughter's dog, Stitch.  Doesn't he look cozy?
Photo taken 2010.